You may hear me refer to the seasons a lot in yoga. That is because we have untapped energy around us that we can readily use to keep us in balance. Each season offers different magic. In summer it all sits in the space of our hearts. Our fire element. In the West, the heart drives our circulation. In the East, it is the container of our spirit.
In yoga there are many ways to support both the circulation of this precious organ and it's connection to our spirit.
JOY is the main emotion of the heart. Joy can be difficult to find if we are lacking in deep connections. Summer is a time of connecting and being outside in nature. It's also a great time to adjust your circadian rhythms as the ample sunshine offers us this chance.
Here are a few amazing ways to tap into the energy of summer:
Have fun! Get playful. Try a vinyasa flow class if you haven't done one before.
Connect to your spirit. Look for ways to do this. Maybe it's as simple as being outside, or watching the sun set.
Support your circadian rhythms. Be out in the light during the day and then dim your surroundings as the sun goes down. Add a gentle hatha/yin practice at night.
Connect to the people you love. Take some time to really listen and to also be heard.
Get physical. Do something to get your heart pumping.
Remember that joy is your birthright. We all have capacity to connect to the current of love that runs through each and everyone of us.
See you on the mat,
Laurin x